It’s 8 PM in Chicago and I’m waiting for my friend/assistant to arrive at our hotel for dinner… with a 4 AM wakeup call, I feel kind of naughty being out this late. I try and stay consistent with my 10:22 weekly bedtime (don’t laugh) and waking up at 4 AM is giving me anxiety! This morning, I woke up surprisingly happy after having a kind of underwhelming day yesterday. If you’re an entrepreanur, you know that the summer & winter season can be incredibly slow: selling, buying, writing, editing…everything closes down. I find myself yearning for Christmas when I’m in the midst of a stressful month like February, and during June/July and August I go back to eagerly awaiting September 1st when people start replying to all of my emails. Though I don’t sell anything commercial, I sell myself as a brand, so off-seasons are just as relevant in my life as they are to a normal salesperson. Becoming adjusted to the uncertainty of life is kind of required.
I’ve been briefly mentioning on my social media and This is Life Unfiltered about some exciting news that I have…but I don’t want to announce anything until I’m back in LA on Friday. This particular news has me very excited to announce officially, and has got me thinking a lot about this journey. How a really upsetting day can so quickly turn into something positive the minute my mind allows positivity to come through…I don’t find myself to be a very spiritual person, but I do meditate and exercise daily which keeps me really grounded. On the slow days or the ones where I feel like nothing is moving, I remind myself how everyone wants to be in someone else’s shoes. Social media makes everything worse: no one wants to be themselves when they can try and live the life someone else is living on Instagram. When are people ever content with where they are in life? I don’t mean you should settle: I mean you should accept that you deserve more in your life if that little voice in the back of your mind is telling you that you do. More so, how can you be content with your life if you aren’t doing what you truly love? I joke often about the stress of this career giving me so much anxiety and occasional depression, but whenever someone asks me what else I could imagine myself doing, I laugh because I know that this is the life that I truly and utterly love. The passion you have when you live and die for your career is something that I can’t describe, that I wish everyone could experience even just once in their life.
If you don’t wake up everyday wanting to work, wanting to hustle and live your dream, what are you waiting for? Why don’t you ask the guy or girl out that you think is super cute because what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen: you’re rejected? I can guarentee that the amount of rejection in the business world I’ve faced since I was 12 will never compare to one or two nos you might encounter. My biggest fear when I was younger was walking in the door at 5 PM, sitting down and watching TV every night Monday-Sunday. That’s cool for some people, but I never wanted to live a life based on a 9-5 career. The leap that I made to run a company for the past 6 years has given me so much wisdom and life experience that I do wake up everyday and want everyone to know the feeling of loving the life that you live.
You only have this one life: you might as well start living it now. And you might fail over and over again like most successful people do: eradicate the word failure from your vocabulary and think of it as a step in the right direction towards the next chapter of your life.