This is part of a partnership with Keystone Schools, the online school I graduated high school from.
Enjoy self-paced learning and support from state-certified teachers this fall. Use code DISCOUNT10 at checkout until September 11, or call us at 800.255.4937 to get started today. |
I’m 22-years-old now, but when I was 16-years-old, I convinced my mom to let me transfer to online school. This was 5 or so years ago, long before the days when online schooling became part of every student’s experience due to a worldwide pandemic. The same day that I transferred to online school is the day that I got the phone call from Rachael Ray, asking me if I wanted to appear on the show. Everything happens for a reason! I had wanted to transfer was because I was actually failing high school at the time, unable to maintain my grades while making some money from my blog. You don’t need to be pursuing a career like I did to be a fit for online school. It’s a form of schooling that’s equally sustainable for anyone, regardless of their career path.
I remember bringing up the conversation to my guidance counselor at my high school and getting pushback on my decision to want to transfer. It wasn’t as common like it is now. In reality, online school is an incredibly valuable experience not only for the child but for the parent. Factors like bullying that happen often in grades 9-12 aren’t as common when you’re schooling from home. Plus, you get the opportunity to pursue more extracurricular activities because you have more flexibility in your schedule. I felt like the experience of online schooling truly shaped me as a person.
I never regretted my decision to switch to an online school. I was able to get the extra help I needed in the subjects I struggled in, like math, and could take more challenging, advanced courses where I excelled, like English. And having more control over my daily schedule allowed me to continue to work on my growing blogging business. …
All of this being said, I’m excited to introduce you to my new partnership with the Keystone School!
Transferring to online school changed my life. Having dealt with so many insecurities, some bullying, and overall anxiety while in school, transferring made the most sense for me. The entire world has really changed since I was in high school, between social media and new forms of schooling – so online schooling is way more accepted now. Fast-forward to now, and guidance counselors are encouraging the transfer to online school.
And this is the perfect time to explore online courses.
Keystone Schools are currently offering a 50% discount on all their courses this month! I know that taking a supplemental online course could really help students who are concerned about falling behind this year as a result of the school closures, so you may want to take advantage of this discount. Here’s all the info below:
Now through May 31, 2020, save 50% off all K-12 Keystone courses,* including Keystone recovery courses.
Promo code: 50OFF
Questions? Call 877.382.2304
I look forward to hearing your online school experiences, both parents and students!