The Guide To Having Patience

28 February 2022

I’ve been alternating topics on The New Unfiltered, doing a mix between solo episodes and episodes with guests. As I get older and grow up with many of you who have followed me since the beginning, I’m constantly learning something new or being reminded of something I’ve grown from throughout the process of starting my blog and building it out into a brand.

Having patience has never come easy to me. When I was at Radio Disney, the team there was always telling me how I had to have more patience when booking guests and getting approval on video ideas. Working at a corporate company taught me SO MUCH about having patience: something I never had when I was in high school and blogging away.

At the Be Fearless Summit on Saturday, I connected with tons of students who have side hustles and company ideas but are struggling with finding the patience to pursue their ideas while in school. There’s no simple roadmap to patience: I truly believe it comes with age and experience. Looking back on how many opportunities I followed up on excessively and overthought when I should’ve slowed down and enjoyed the process inspired me to film this episode.

How do you remind yourself to slow down and practice patience during times when you’re desperate for something to come through?


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