Taking Time Off To Regroup Made Me Realize THIS

13 July 2020

Earlier this month I found myself getting extremely depressed and unmotivated. I’ve struggled with mental health my whole life but it seemed even more difficult for me to handle, suddenly. This is not uncommon to many in a time of confusion in the world.

If you struggle with existing mental health battles in your daily life, I can’t remind you enough that this will pass and life WILL get easier. I flew home to Connecticut and regrouped for 2 weeks, taking Instagram off of my cell phone and focusing on why I even started my company: not because I wanted to be successful, but because I wanted to help people overcome the trials and tribulations of life. COVID-19 is another example of a moment in your life you will overcome in your business and personal life. 

Never again in your life unless you actively choose to slow down will the world allow you to. You’ll get caught back up in dinner plans, changing the world, having a family, working…and right now you don’t have to do all of those tasks on your daily checklist. Having let the internet be a major part of my career for the past 10 years, it was so freaking nice to sit back and not post anything about what I was doing. EVEN if social media isn’t a part of your daily life, I can’t tell you enough how good I felt taking multiple days off. I grounded myself in ways that I haven’t, I felt less anxious even on the days when I didn’t meditate, and I felt happier.

Some more positive aspects behind taking time off of work:
  • You can actually commit to your personal achievements (no matter what) because you have time to clear your head
  • You'll be able to filter your values and focus on what leads you toward your objectives
  • You can change your belief system in order to make it easier to achieve your goals, and therefore find the right approaches and ways to make them real
You may not have the opportunity to take 1 week off of work, but you definitely have the opportunity to take a step back from social media. Try it!


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