One of my goals for 2017 was to speak at South by Southwest. If you’re not familiar with SXSW, it’s a three week conference in Austin, Texas. It’s got everything around music, interactive, tech, food…it’s one of the coolest festivals around. I always wanted to speak because the conference is filled with so many intellectual individuals who are skilled in the field, and for me, I knew it’d be a huge accomplishment to speak surrounded by tons of crazy smart humans. I never usually get nervous or intimidated, but speaking with Spectrum Reach was totally intimidating. I love getting intimidated, because to me, that means I’m growing and constantly pushing myself to reach a new level of success.
So, I made it happen. Just like every other dream, you have to act on it to make it come true. The panel was on B2C (business to consumer) products and businesses, which is slightly different than my business, but I did my best to give my opinion from a young influencer perspective. Alexa, Cici, and Megan are super rad, and since I’m usually surrounded by tons of teens, I was actually excited to be speaking with people a little older than me. Like my mom always said, the older you get, the wiser you get!
I followed up my talk with a little gelato (at my favorite spot, Dolce Neve) before heading to Key West for a vacation. Being back in Connecticut with this snow sucks!
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