Managing Your Mental Health During A Time Of Crisis

17 March 2020

I’ve never worked from home. Between my summit being canceled and everyone feeling on such edge, it’s a difficult time for the world and community right now. If you’re like me and you work for yourself, or you have a family and have to be home right now, here’s some ideas for ways to manage being home while taking care of your mental health.

mental health management

Attempt to maintain as much of a normal schedule as you can while working from home. Wake up around the same time, eat your meals at the same time (don’t snack all day!) and put on normal clothing, even if that means workout pants instead of sweatpants.

I’ve been working from my bed/ desk instead of going into WeWork so I’m working in pajamas, but to each their own.

Since gyms are closed, it’s important that you don’t focus on eating all day long simply because you’re home. Unless you’re hungry, of course!

Meditate, read, and relax. This can be a mentally and financially difficult time for so many because many of us are out of work (myself included, all of my contracts are on hold) so being kind to yourself is important. I’ve been watching the news to see if any loans for small business owners become available, as well as places to donate my extra supplies or time to since people are in way more need than I am.

You should prepare yourself that your finances might be a bit out of wack for the time being but we are all in the same boat. We’ll get through this! If you have to take out some money from your savings if you have any, do that. This is an extenuating circumstance.

If you’re good at tasks like social media, graphic design or digital marketing, consider making profiles on Upwork or Fiverr. This will keep you busy during a down time while letting you fine tune some skills to utilize when this mayhem ends!

If you find yourself getting extra anxious at home, download Barre3 or Obe Fitness. You can get free trials on each, and a little sweat never fails to make my anxiety easier to cope with.

Catch the founder of Broglie Box on This is Life Unfiltered tomorrow for more techniques on dealing with your mental health during this time.


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One thought on “Managing Your Mental Health During A Time Of Crisis”

    firtuklo imutrzas says:

    I haven?¦t checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I?¦ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂