I’ve been working on my podcast This is Life Unfiltered for over 50 weeks now! Time really flies by when you run a podcast. I think it’s because you spend so much of your time working on every episode, creating the graphics and editing the episode that every Wednesday (the day that mine goes out) you feel like you’ve just released the episode the week before. If you’re looking to drastically speed up your weeks, start a podcast!
Tons of you reach out to me asking for advice on starting a podcast which is why I wanted to put this post up so I don’t have to say the same stuff over and over. I will tell you that running a podcast is not easy. I have learned so much over the past 50 weeks including a lot about time management & financial management. Running a podcast is nothing like running a YouTube channel or putting up Instagram videos: the podcast is so different and unique in the audience that it will bring in as well as the amount of effort you have to put in to make yours successful. Don’t get frustrated because you can’t figure it all out in one day, podcasts are kind of like math and when you get the swing of things you’ll get yourself into a routine and everything will get easier.
Stay consistent. The most successful podcasts are successful because they go out every “Wednesday” at the same time. Their social media is solid. Don’t start a podcast to make money. I can tell you I’ve made less than $300 since I started This is Life Unfiltered and have invested over $1,000 into it. I do it because I love it. Like I say about EVERYTHING: follow your passion and the rest will come.Â
For the first 6 months of This is Life Unfiltered I was waking up at 3 AM to click “publish” on Libsyn (my hosting site) before I realized you can auto-schedule your episodes. You have to use Libsyn to do that and it’s super easy. I have the most expensive plan (I think it’s about $23 x month) on SoundCloud & Libsyn for storage because I hate running out of storage and then they start deleting your episodes and it’s frustrating, so make the investment. You won’t regret it!
Have fun! Enjoy the journey! Podcasts are so personal and inspiring so if you’re starting one for the right reason you won’t have any difficulty getting people to tune in.
Good luck!
On a side note, a one-sheet like the one below is a great example for a podcast. It’s important that you showcase your podcast in the best light and that’s usually done with a one-sheet to properly showcase what your podcast is about. The reason I like the one below is it’s informative and pretty: since podcasts are all audio based, you want to showcase something more than that with your one-sheet. Your one-sheet doesn’t have to be as long or “perfect” as the one below but I do like the idea of you putting your logo, your past guests and a short bio of what the podcast is about directly on the one-sheet. Something else you can do is use marketing tools on Libsyn and Apple Podcasts to help track the podcast stats and listeners. It’s important that you know who is listening to your podcast so that you can properly create content and episodes just for your listeners! Campaign Monitor has a bunch of fun infographics available for you to model your one-sheet off of. You can check them all out here. Good luck podcasting and designing your one-sheet!