A few weeks ago I flew to the East Coast to film a podcast with a few friends in Boston and get some other work done in Connecticut. I hadn’t been home since January, and freshly out of relationship that lasted way too long, I wasn’t aware of some of the underlying sad and frustrated feelings I’d have when I got back home.
Between minor exhaustion, feeling incredibly overwhelmed with planning the Be Fearless Summit and building out this side consulting company I started, I got really depressed on Wednesday evening. I usually handle my depression well, but this period of depression lasted longer than usual, and I ended taking work off for several days. The worst part about depression can be the frustration you feel internally that you can’t get out of your depression on your own.
After speaking to my therapist every Saturday the past few weeks since getting that low, I came to realize that I do have a serious issue with imposter syndrome. I was unaware of how severe my imposter syndrome could get as I’ve battled it for quite some time, but suffering with imposter syndrome on top of depression isn’t a good match.
I’m always asked by you guys if I face burnout or imposter syndrome and I deal with both. During episodes of my last podcast This is Life Unfiltered, I’d chronicle my experiences overcoming both. Being in LA made things way worse for me. I could work 24/7, which I do anyway, and still feel like I was having this out of mind/body experience with anything I’d do. I never looked in the mirror and saw what other people saw.
You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to suffer with imposter syndrome. This is a common feeling for many young people as they pursue new career paths, experience different relationships and friendships, and face rejection. One of the worst parts of imposter syndrome is never seeing what other people see, which can create a false sense of identity. I’ve struggled with this for so long because I never look at myself as successful. I question whether I’ll ever look at myself as successful even when I’m at the top or have my dream talk show. Will I listen to when people call me successful then?
Will I actually think I’m successful even if no one tells me I am?
I encourage you to ask yourself the same question. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for imposter syndrome. I genuinely think the “fast fix” is therapy, and the long fix comes with time and working on giving yourself credit in every area. I say therapy is a quicker fix because anyone can sign up for a website like Better Help or Talkspace and start speaking to someone immediately. What you do outside of therapy is the real work.
You may be like me and never think you’re good enough… until one day you feel like you are.
Just remember: you may not feel like you’re good enough, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. That means your silly little brain is playing tricks with you that you have to stop playing.