I’ve never been a person who was into comics. I’d rather read a story about something happening to someone in text, not in pictures. Last week I officially hired someone new onto my team (YAY!) to help with my Be Fearless Summit and podcast strategy, and during our meeting he suggested I look more into comics. I’m always interested by new avenues that young people are paying attention to, and when I started researching more about comics I came across Loryn Brantz. She’s worked on art production at Sesame Street, and both of her books have become best sellers. Though she’s not a mom (from what I know…) Loryn’s captivating books have interest and love from top authors like Roxanne Gay, who claim that her first book is a perfect read for kids and adults alike.
If you’re looking to introduce your child to feminism and girl power, Loryn’s books are the ones you’ve been looking for! Buy them here.
Thank you for your empowering work and for never letting the magic behind comic books disappear!