Junior Girl’s Summit

26 April 2017

Wearing Marshalls and Kate Spade

Last week, I went straight from New York City to Connecticut to Boston to speak at the Junior League of Boston Girl’s Summit. The league is located right in Back Bay, Boston, and is a pretty incredible organization tailored towards young girls.

’13 Reasons Why’ has been popping up everywhere, which is why I thought it would be suitable to bring the show up in my talk. Surprisingly, the older girls AND younger girls had all seen the show. I’ve been talking to tons of kids about how the show made them feel, and the girls in this talk believed the show brought up many valid points. I believe the younger girls who had seen the show (11-13) were way too young to witness the action that occurs in the show, but, they all seemed to have a good head on their shoulders. From bullying, to the power of words, the show is definitely getting kids to talk. Parents should be aware of the aftermath that can come from someone young watching the show, so I’m advising parents to keep an eye out for any alarming behavior coming from their child after seeing the show.

We also spoke a bit about social media and figuring out what you love most, because who wants a job that they don’t totally love? One question I’m frequently asked is whether I think young adults should go to college, and I always tell people that I can’t answer that question for them. But, in a post coming out tomorrow, I’ll talk a bit about why I think teens should have the option to not go to college. As long as you’re following your dreams, and doing something that can eventually make a profit, who cares what people think?




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