27 June 2018
YOU GUYS. Y’all know how often I travel…and never once has anything besides regular “turbulence” occurred on a flight. I’ve been flying alone since I was 16 years old! I was on a JetBlue flight from NYC- LAX last night (reference tweet here) and apparently the team thought the flight was being hijacked or attacked and so began a nightmare of a night. I landed in LA at 3 AM this morning instead of the expected arrival time of 10:40 PM last night. Let’s just say I learnt a lot during this experience.  I woke up to sooo many phone calls, tweets, and DMs about this situation! Honestly, thank gosh I meditate with Headspace because a few months ago I would’ve had a full on panic attack if I thought a flight I was on was being hijacked. We were told to all put our hands up in the air and turn phones on airplane mode which was the scariest part. I still don’t know what exactly happened (or why my tweet went viral…) but I’ve been on TODAY, GMA, CNN, TIME and more media platforms today who have all been reporting this story! The power of social media is insane. I’m totally okay besides being a bit shaken up, but I can’t preach how important keeping your wits about you is. Regardless of if you’re walking down the street, about to get in a taxi, in an Uber, or on a flight: nothing on your phone is important enough to not be glancing around you frequently. Check out my entire video below of what actually went down on my flight last night!


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