
15 February 2017

Bik Bok jumper + denim, New Balance sneakers, Fossil bag, Free People jacket

I’ve been in Prague for a day now, and I am pretty convinced that Stockholm is my favorite city out of all of the ones we are going to. Even though the weather is below 0 in all of these cities, there was something about Stockholm that was appealing. The food and the people were lovely, and the shopping was so fun.

I had a Skype meeting last night about the next steps for my nonprofit, M.I.N.T, and it looks like we are going to begin some crowdfunding/fundraising to apply for official nonprofit status. I came across a cool site called iFundWomen, and after scrolling through the site, I became so enamored with all of the incredible businesses women have started. I couldn’t find one that I didn’t agree with on the site, and the fact that some of them have raised thousands and thousands of dollars is incredible. It shows you that women are seriously taking over.

On that note, I had to brag a bit about my incredible boyfriend yesterday since it was Valentine’s Day. I’m semi anti-holidays, besides Christmas and Easter, but now I like Valentine’s Day because I’m in love…is that weird? Whatever. Let me eat my chocolate and occasionally like a holiday.

The Observer interviewed my boyfriend + I on how we met: read it here!

And if you spent V-Day alone with Netflix and chocolate (2 baes right there) don’t beat yourself up over it. Who cares about a stupid pointless holiday that’s only beneficial for people in relationships!?
You are good enough just the way you are.




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