Episode 24 of my podcast This is Life Unfiltered went live this morning! As you can hear in the episode, I have a cold, so my voice isn’t like it usually is. Sorry! But I am officially recovering after 6 days of battling this darn cold!
I filmed this episode in LA earlier last week. Since I left high school, I’ve learnt so much about myself. I’ve learnt about the type of friends I want to have in my life, the type of people I want to surround myself with in the business world, and the people to avoid. When you’re in high school, you’re struggling with peer pressure, parties, and passing classes. As you get older, you’ll start to struggle with heftier topics: peer pressure (in a more mature setting), along with some people having apartments and some people not having apartments, etc. I bring up 5 key points in this episode to look out for if you’re questioning your friend group:
This episode brings up a lot of fantastic points about situations we’ve all been in or will all one day encounter: hope you love it!