I hope you had an amazing holiday! I spent Sunday and Monday with family and it was so relaxing. On Sunday morning, I deleted Snapchat and Instagram from my phone for a solid 24 hours, and I felt like a new person when I woke up on Monday. It’s so easy to say I’m not going to go on social media for an entire day and then someone sends me a picture or tells me to look at something and I get sucked right back in, so actually deleting the platform was a solid move for me. My goal for 2018 is to not be so hard on myself (I know that probably won’t change) and to live even more in the moment. I’m so over resolutions around diets and changing the way you look. What can you do in 2018 that makes you grow and learn?
Now that 2018 is approaching, Gabe and I took some time this week to talk about why new year’s resolutions don’t work (or matter) and how you can avoid a creative rut. Plus, we talked about why we both decided to move to LA, as that’s a question that both of us are always asked. We initially went to LA for three months (and were set on never going back) but then we both got offered opportunities that extended past three months. Now, we’re planning to return in January for six more months. I’m nervous, and anxious, but looking forward to what the future brings. If you listen to episode 10, you’ll hear me say that moving to a new city that scares the s*** out of me. I have insane amounts of anxiety over leaving Connecticut and flying back to the most intimidating city in the world. Maybe some people drive to a new city for a day, or try a new food, but I can’t keep growing unless I’m jumping into something that I’m not used to. We’re also giving our tips for moving to a new city if you don’t have tons of money or have always dreamt of leaving your small town and don’t know what the first step is!