J.Crew pants & sunglasses, Nike sneakers
I’m very excited because I’m in Holliston, MA today at the M.I.N.T. office meeting with a team filming a movie about social media & mental health! We received an email a few months ago from the producer, and were so thrilled to be invited to be a part of this. I don’t have too much information about the movie or where it’s coming out, but I do believe that it’s for a film festival.
I spent this past weekend with one of my friends, Brenna, in Boston! She came to visit for the weekend after taking a day long spin certification class, and we talked all about our new projects (like our podcast) and lives. It took me a really long time to realize the type of people I want to have in my life, because as you get older, you realize that there isn’t enough time in the day for negativity. If someone only texts you when they need something, tell them to GTFO. If you find yourself not being able to have fulfilling, happy conversations with people around you, maybe explore some places where you might be able to connect with different people. Even if you’ve got someone in your life who you’ve got a negative gut feeling about- always follow your initial instinct.
I’ve got to go get ready for filming (eek!!!) but have a beautiful week, and remember you are so beautiful and worthy of the life you dream of.