Why It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

25 July 2017

Note from Alexa:

One of my writers, Elizabeth, wrote this post and sent it to me. It’s a topic that I feel most people aren’t comfortable talking about, and I want people to know that it’s OKAY to not be okay. There are so many times in your life where you will feel like things are so damn good. Maybe you just got a job out of college, or a boyfriend/girlfriend, or an incredibly beautiful pair of shoes, and life is just hella good. When something goes wrong, it will feel like life goes from 100-0 real quick, and it does. And that’s why life is so exciting and confusing at the same time: the world is constantly trying to teach you something, and it’s up to you to accept what is and always get back up and move on. 

It’s a huge misconception that in order to be perceived as successful or “having it together”, we are required to be physically, mentally, and emotionally sound 100% percent of the time. Some of the greatest minds in the world were not “okay.” Think of Van Gogh, who sliced off his own ear, or Virginia Woolf, who was institutionalized after suffering a mental breakdown, or even Demi Lovato, who learned she had bipolar disorder after a brief stint in a rehab facility. I notice this trend everyday; people pretend that they’re alright, when in reality they may be falling apart inside, in order to preserve their reputation or avoid seeming weak.

I bought into this warped mentality for years, until I realized a few things. Firstly, everyone, even those you might consider “perfect” have bad days, bad weeks, and sometimes bad months. Secondly, showing emotion is not something to be ashamed of. By learning to open up to my family and my closest friends, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, and even learned that others were struggling with the same problems I had. Finally, those to whom I’ve turned will, in time, need me to serve as their support system, too. So, consider this your formal invitation to reach out, and to lean on others for help. Just remember that it’s okay not to be okay today… there’s always tomorrow!

It’s okay not to be okay all the time, but if you experience prolonged periods of depression or have suicidal thoughts, please seek professional help. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-800-273-8255.


Fashion Lane team


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