Lively’s #WCW is ME!

28 February 2018

I came across LIVELY some time ago, and was obsessed with their mission almost instantly. After doing more research into the company, I realized that the mission behind the companies stands by everything I align with. Funny story: back when I was about 16, I actually created a bra app to help young girls find bras that fit them. Because I was always busty, I had trouble finding bras that fit. I never ended up building the app out because I couldn’t afford to hire a team (apps are expensive) but I do still have the business plan I made. Now, brands like AERIE and LIVELY are taking over the bra market. Instead of companies like Victoria Secret, we’re seeing brands hit the market that are focusing on body image and self-love.

I’m honored to be LIVELY’s #WCW, and stay tuned for the founder Michelle Grant to be on This is Life Unfiltered!



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