Club Monaco outfit, La Mer watch, hair by MissKellyBelle
Have you ever had a moment where you just have to take a step back and realize how far you’ve come? I keep having those moments, whether it’s when I’m on set, or whether I’m shooting a campaign or even drinking some fancy coffee drink and snapping pics. I have come so far from the insecure, sheltered kid I was in Connecticut. From writing in my bedroom to writing on airplanes (with wifi!), negotiating with brands and branding myself, inspiring teens to follow their dreams…
Damn, it’s been a long ride.
I’ve made some career goals along the way, one being to appear on Good Day LA/KTLA, for some odd reason. Maybe it’s just because everyone loves Cali, and you’ve “made it” once you’re working in LA and New York? Or maybe I’m just weird. Probably the latter…
I appeared on GDLA today to showcase 4 looks for under $100 each: two guys, and two girls. I woke up at the crack of dawn (4 AM) to prep with hair and makeup, then head to the studio with ALS Limo, my go-to car service when I’m in Cali.
My rad models wore looks from Coobie, Sears, Novesta, La Mer watches, and AVON jewelry.Â
Miss Fashionista