Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I’m really not into beauty. I don’t blog about beauty products, and I definitely don’t film myself putting on makeup. What’s the reason for that? I can’t put makeup on myself without looking like a clown, so I’m not about to film myself attempting because y’all would totally laugh.
For TV segments, I have so much makeup put on my face that I don’t feel like myself. I mean, I look fantastic and every flaw disappears, but it’s not reality. Once I’m off set and trying to *live a normal life* I take all of the makeup off, and I’ve had to become comfortable with who I am without set makeup. Social media has enabled so many people to transform into something they aren’t, and looking at pictures of people makes it hard for you to truly know who they are. I may look amazing on camera, but 9 times out of 10, I’d rather have 1/2 the makeup on and be in sweatpants and Converse.
I love my job, I just don’t love how easy it is for you guys to not feel as confident when you see other bloggers, models and celebrities dressed up in fancy clothes wearing elegant and phenomenal makeup. That’s not the way we wake up: it’s simply our job. No one wakes up looking like a model. Not even models wake up looking like models!
There’s a few rules I live by to stay sane when I travel (at least) 2 weeks out of the month. I always make time for a workout. I didn’t have time on Thursday because I literally was traveling all day, but I made up for it yesterday and today. I don’t workout to lose weight or get a 6-pack, I simply workout because it makes me feel really damn good. Yes, if I have an intense workout I’ll feel even better about eating one or two cupcakes, but more importantly, I workout for the rush. The harder the workout, the stronger I feel.
I always eat as clean as possible. Even clean desserts! I took a picture above of one of my favorite items to order at Juice Press, which vary, but above is a gluten-free, paleo acai bowl and rose water. Juice Press is opening two new downtown Boston locations, so I’ve already started saving money in a separate bank account since I know I’ll be there literally every other day (just kidding, but I actually should do this). I love their on the go and healthy options.
Since I don’t wear a lot of makeup, I stick with a few essentials just to keep my skin rejuvenated and soft. Right now, I’m obsessed with GP’s line, Goop, who recently teamed up with Juice Beauty to release a line of facial products that are perfect for the minimalist. The eye cream and moisturizer are totally natural, and both leave your skin feeling totally hydrated and fresh.
If you’re curious what I usually eat in a full day, check out the video I recently uploaded here.
Remember, makeup will never make you more beautiful than you are, and eating a cupcake will not ruin you. Confidence comes from within.
Miss Fashionista