I’m pale. Like, more pale than the normal people. I don’t tan, I simply burn. When summer comes around and my friends want to go to the beach, I’m the only one lathering my body in sunscreen and lugging around an umbrella with me. When I was modeling, my agent was so nervous about me in the summer she would literally text me hourly to make sure I hadn’t forgot to put sunscreen on.
Not that I mind, because like I always say, you were born this way. Stop trying to wish for longer legs, more enhanced abs, bluer eyes…just accept yourself the way you are! The minute you do that, you immediately become much happier. Trust me. Wake up everyday, look in the mirror, and say damn, you’re fucking hot. Cause you are. And you should be proud of that.
I wouldn’t ever get plastic surgery (not even when I’m 80) but one method I don’t mind experimenting with is spray tans. The last time I had a spray tan was 2 years ago in LA when I was in town for an appearance on Access Hollywood. I went to Equinox and tried my first spray tan out, and wasn’t impressed. I was still pale, probably because the girl was too nervous about making me look orange. I was also nervous, so I left disappointed and wanting to be not pale. Wah.
2 years later, I decided to try a spray tan again at Pure Glow in Boston. Located a few blocks away from my office, Pure Glow is Boston’s only organic suntanning method. No rays, or chemicals, simply just organic and toxin- free spray. The owner Lauren is super sweet and crazy passionate about her job: she’s also young and an entrepreanur, so that always impresses me. Her studio is cozy and quaint, which is just my style. You get a pretty view of Newbury Street while waiting for your tan.
I went in prior to leaving for Houston and walked out nothing short of happy. Looking in the mirror was slightly frightening because I could noticeably see how tan I had become with a matter of minutes, but that’s rad. Instead of enhancing or changing your body medically, why not try a method that can’t harm you in absolutely anyway? Plus, it’s a tan, so after a few days, you’re back to your regular self.
I’m already ready for my next session though…
P.S. See my new YouTube video on what I eat in a day HERE!
Miss Fashionista