New year means a new you, am I right? Personally, I’m not one for making New Year’s Resolutions: I think they’re pointless and less than beneficial. You’re going to go on vacation and want to eat the fried calamari, or your girlfriends who are *not* dieting will convince you to drink an entire bottle of wine with them (for the legal ladies), so what’s the point in ending up more dissapointed than you were from the get go?
In my opinion, make your goal to increase your happiness. Whether that means taking an hour out of each day to get a latte, or go kick some ass in a workout, or simply sleep, that is your hour. For me, it’s my one hour to exercise, which I take very seriously. A small goal I have for 2016 is to reduce the amount of power I use, but since I workout everyday, I’m constantly washing my exercise clothes. Here’s where Squelch comes in.
I was approached by Out of Office NY to collaborate with them on a sponsored post including Squelch, and after doing my research on the product, I wasn’t about to say no! Basically, Squelch comes in a tiny bottle that’s perfect for your gym bag or purse. For those of you that end up working out in the middle of the day (maybe on your lunch break) you simply spray it on after a workout or walk and you’re set to head back to work without showering- if you’re in a hurry. The opportunities to use Squelch are endless: freshen up your apartment before a party, spray your furry friend, spruce up that rad vintage fur coat that’s been sitting in your closet for ages….One little object is basically going to become your new BFF!
Fragrance free, all natural and non-toxic, hypoallergenic, portable, environmentally friendly…
Consider this product your gateway to the New You in 2016.
Miss Fashionista