California, I’m Here!

31 August 2017

I’ve arrived in California! I can’t believe how fast the past few months FLEW by. It’s actually scary. I’m in LA with my best friend, Gabe, and I feel like we were just here apartment hunting in May. I move and travel so frequently that I’m rarely in “one place” which is why I never say I’m actually moving…I feel like most people move and then stay there, right? I’m like, let’s move here and go somewhere else every 2 days! That’s how I like it, though.

When I first came to California a few years ago, the excitement I had every time I came here was like fire inside of me. Now that I’ve been here several times over the past year, I feel like I’m not as excited as I initially was. I like a change of scenery more than anything else. Changing up your scene every once in a while keeps your mind fresh and excited for new opportunities.

I’m also looking forward to some of the school talks we have coming up in the fall for M.I.N.T.! Our first talk is with Fusion Academy in October. I hope that the weather isn’t as terrible then as it is now: it’s so scary to think about the situation there right now. I have tons of family and friends in Houston and I can’t believe they had a storm this terrible. My heart goes out to everyone suffering, and I hope this never happens again. Life is too unpredictable…




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